Shade grown coffee

We cultivate shade-grown coffee, which fosters a healthy environment by preventing deforestation and offering shelter to wildlife. Our coffee selection involves hand-picking ripe cherries using a butterfly picking method, promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness. We prioritize insecticide-free farms. Sun-drying is our choice, as it’s natural and eco-friendly.

Our Farmer Trade approach eliminates middlemen in the supply chain. We focus on proper wastewater management and ensure fair labor conditions. Hand garbling provides employment for women in coffee-growing regions.

We select modern, low-emission vehicles and use green energy for our roastery. Our packaging is recyclable, and we’re exploring biodegradable options. Coffee waste is responsibly managed. We advocate for resilient coffee varieties to combat climate change, adhering to Responsible Specialty Coffee (RSC) principles. Our commitment to sustainability and adaptation is ongoing.

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We cultivate shade-grown coffee, which fosters a healthy environment by preventing deforestation and offering shelter to wildlife. Our coffee selection involves hand-picking ripe cherries using a butterfly picking method, promoting sustainability and eco-friendliness. We prioritize insecticide-free farms. Sun-drying is our choice, as it’s natural and eco-friendly.

Our Farmer Trade approach eliminates middlemen in the supply chain. We focus on proper wastewater management and ensure fair labor conditions. Hand garbling provides employment for women in coffee-growing regions.

We select modern, low-emission vehicles and use green energy for our roastery. Our packaging is recyclable, and we’re exploring biodegradable options. Coffee waste is responsibly managed. We advocate for resilient coffee varieties to combat climate change, adhering to Responsible Specialty Coffee (RSC) principles. Our commitment to sustainability and adaptation is ongoing.

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Responsible coffee principles

1. Shade grown coffee

2. Handpicked

3. Farmer trade

4. Recyclable packaging

5. Co2 neutral shipping

6. Bird and insect friendly

7. Sun Dried

8. Labour welfare

9. Waste management

The journey of our coffee bean

A sustainable path to your cup

Hand picked coffee beans

At The Butterfly Pick, our journey to craft exceptional specialty coffee begins with a return to nature's roots. We let the guiding touch of butterflies lead us through the lush coffee plantations in India, revealing the coffee berries that have reached their peak of ripeness. Human hands, inspired by the delicate guidance of these beautiful creatures, handpick each coffee bean. This meticulous process ensures that only the finest beans are selected, preserving the authentic flavors that nature intended.

Carefully chosen

The coffee beans handpicked in harmony with nature are then carefully chosen to embark on their transformation. Our coffee experts curate a selection of these premium beans, ensuring that only the best of the best make the cut. Every step of the way, from plantation to processing, is conducted with a keen eye for quality and a profound respect for the environment. This dedication to excellence ensures that each bean is a testament to the art of coffee craftsmanship.

The magic of coffee roasting

Once we've gathered the cream of the crop, it's time to unlock the true magic of coffee roasting. In Friesland, Netherlands, our dedicated team take the reins. They apply their expertise to roast the carefully chosen beans to perfection. Through a meticulous roasting process, the coffee beans undergo a transformative journey, enhancing their inherent flavors and aromas. The result is a symphony of tastes that captivate the senses and embody the true spirit of specialty coffee.

Exquisite coffee in your cup

After the beans have been through the enchanting coffee roasting process, the journey culminates in your cup. The exquisite coffee we've crafted with utmost care and precision is now ready to be savored. With each sip, you experience the genuine essence of nature's blessings, encapsulated in a cup of coffee that's truly exceptional. It's the realization of our commitment to delivering a unique coffee experience that reflects the unspoiled beauty of the world's coffee plantations.

The journey of our coffee bean

A sustainable path to your cup

Hand picked coffee beans

At The Butterfly Pick, our journey to craft exceptional specialty coffee begins with a return to nature's roots. We let the guiding touch of butterflies lead us through the lush coffee plantations in India, revealing the coffee berries that have reached their peak of ripeness. Human hands, inspired by the delicate guidance of these beautiful creatures, handpick each coffee bean. This meticulous process ensures that only the finest beans are selected, preserving the authentic flavors that nature intended.

Carefully chosen

The coffee beans handpicked in harmony with nature are then carefully chosen to embark on their transformation. Our coffee experts curate a selection of these premium beans, ensuring that only the best of the best make the cut. Every step of the way, from plantation to processing, is conducted with a keen eye for quality and a profound respect for the environment. This dedication to excellence ensures that each bean is a testament to the art of coffee craftsmanship.

The magic of coffee roasting

Once we've gathered the cream of the crop, it's time to unlock the true magic of coffee roasting. In Friesland, Netherlands, our dedicated team take the reins. They apply their expertise to roast the carefully chosen beans to perfection. Through a meticulous roasting process, the coffee beans undergo a transformative journey, enhancing their inherent flavors and aromas. The result is a symphony of tastes that captivate the senses and embody the true spirit of specialty coffee.

Exquisite coffee in your cup

After the beans have been through the enchanting coffee roasting process, the journey culminates in your cup. The exquisite coffee we've crafted with utmost care and precision is now ready to be savored. With each sip, you experience the genuine essence of nature's blessings, encapsulated in a cup of coffee that's truly exceptional. It's the realization of our commitment to delivering a unique coffee experience that reflects the unspoiled beauty of the world's coffee plantations.

Empowering farmers for a sustainable future

We empower farmers for a sustainable future by ensuring fair compensation and ethical practices. We believe in nurturing enduring relationships with the communities that sustain our specialty coffee, creating a brighter tomorrow for all.

Supporting farmers in adopting sustainable practices

We are dedicated to supporting farmers in adopting sustainable practices, ensuring they thrive while preserving the environment. Our commitment extends beyond exceptional coffee to empower communities for a greener, more sustainable future.

Positive impact on farmers’ livelihoods

Our mission at The Butterfly Pick goes beyond coffee; it’s about making a positive impact on farmers’ livelihoods. Through farmers trade and ethical practices, we’re transforming communities and ensuring a brighter future for those who nurture our specialty coffees.

Empowering farmers for a sustainable future

We empower farmers for a sustainable future by ensuring fair compensation and ethical practices. We believe in nurturing enduring relationships with the communities that sustain our specialty coffee, creating a brighter tomorrow for all.

Supporting farmers in adopting sustainable practices

We are dedicated to supporting farmers in adopting sustainable practices, ensuring they thrive while preserving the environment. Our commitment extends beyond exceptional coffee to empower communities for a greener, more sustainable future.

Positive impact on farmers’ livelihoods

Our mission at The Butterfly Pick goes beyond coffee; it’s about making a positive impact on farmers’ livelihoods. Through farmers trade and ethical practices, we’re transforming communities and ensuring a brighter future for those who nurture our specialty coffees.

Our commitment to sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability

support our sustainable coffee mission

We invite you to support our sustainable coffee mission. We believe in nurturing enduring relationships with the communities that sustain our specialty coffee, ensuring fair compensation for farmers and adopting responsible, nature-guided practices. With your support, we can empower farmers, preserve the environment, and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Join us in this extraordinary journey and savor the true essence of excellence in every cup.

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support our sustainable coffee mission

We invite you to support our sustainable coffee mission. We believe in nurturing enduring relationships with the communities that sustain our specialty coffee, ensuring fair compensation for farmers and adopting responsible, nature-guided practices. With your support, we can empower farmers, preserve the environment, and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Join us in this extraordinary journey and savor the true essence of excellence in every cup.

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